Medical Benefits:
- Lifetime Medical Care
- Not Legal to Settle Medical Benefits
- No Managed Care
- No Utilization Review
- Right to Change Doctors
- Doctor/Patient Privilege
- No Deductibles
Compensation Benefit Changes:
- TPD/TTD until MMI
- Wage Loss up to 10 years
- Rehabilitation as Needed, up to 52 Weeks
- PTD, if Needed
Medical Benefits:
- Lifetime Medical Care
- Not Legal to Settle Medical Benefits
- Utilization Review
- Less Doctor/Patient privilege
- Limited Alternate Doctors
Compensation Benefit Changes:
- TPD/TTD until MMI, or Four Years
- Wage Loss, under some circumstances
- Rehabilitation as Needed, up to 52 Weeks
- PTD, if Needed
Medical Benefits:
- Can Settle Medical Benefit for All Cases
- Utilization Review
- Managed Care
- After MMI, $10 Deductibles on Medical Care
- No Doctor/Patient privilege
- Very Limited Choice of Doctors
- Shorter Statute of Limitations - One Year
Compensation Benefit Changes:
- TPD/TTD until MMI, or Two Years
- No Wage Loss
- Minimal Permanent Impairment Benefit
- Rehabilitation as Needed, Guided by State Government
- PTD, if Qualified for SSD
- No benefits unless the injury caused 51% of the problem
- Lots of legal issues for adjusters to deny benefits
- Severe limits on attorney fees affect injured workers' ability to hire an attorney
- If the injured worker loses the hearing, he or she must pay the Employer/Carrier for costs.
Medical Benefits:
- "Practice Parameters" to limit medical care
- More limitations on choice of doctors
- Managed care at the choice of the Employer/Carrier
- Other medical has the same limits as 1994
Compensation Benefit Changes:
- PTD limited drastically
- No statutory obligation to rehire
- Reduced benefits if rehired
- Rehabilitation compensation reduced
- Drastically reduced compensation for psychiatric care